RE: Silver Runes Guide

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Silver Runes

Silver Runes (SR) is the currency of the empires. They are linked to how strong and resilient your character is against disease, weather and attacks. The more SR your character has earned, the stronger they are.SR can be earned through completing assignments either through art or literature.

Art submission

Sketches: 1SR
Lineart: 1SR
Coloured Sketches: 2SR
Headshot/Bust: 2SR
Fully coloured, no background: 3SR
+ 1SR for each additional character
Simple Background: +1SR
Complex Background: +2SR

Pixel Icons: 1SR
Pixel head shots: 2SR
Pixel Full body: 3SR

Comic Pages, sketch: 3SR
Comic Pages, coloured, simple backgrounds: 5SR
Comic Pages, coloured, complex backgrounds: 7SR

Animation, sketch: <10 frames: 3SR, >10 frames: 4SR
Animation, lineart:<10 frames: 4SR, >10 frames: 5SR
Animation, coloured:<10 frames: 5SR, >10 frames: 6SR
Animation, coloured + shading:<10 frames: 6SR, >10 frames: 7SR
Animation, coloured and/or shading +background:<10 frames: 7SR, >10 frames: 8SR
+ 1SR for each additional character

The SR earned from memes are written below the meme submissions

Literature submissions

100 - 499 words: 1SR
500 - 999 words: 2SR
1000 - 1499 words: 3SR

For every 500 words more you write you will earn an extra 1SR.

Assignment Submissions

Submissions for assignments are worth 7SR plus whatever the submission would be worth if it wasn't for an assignment.

For example:
A fully coloured drawing with a simple background for an assignment: 4SR + 7SR= 11SR
This applies to all assignment submissions.

Controlling Your Element

Being part of the empires means you are able to wield and control an element of nature! The inhabitants of each empire can control the element of the empire they call home. These elements are: Lightning, Fire, Earth, Ice and Air. The Savage Dogs however posses magical-like powers and can conjure dark magic and perform acts such as placing curses and creating illusions that can distort the world around them giving them the upper hand as this can cause anything but canines distress and confusion.

As you earn more SR your powers become stronger and you are able to protect your empire from incoming dangers and look after your loved ones. Once you have learned a move, you don't forget it. You can only learn the attacks relating to your empire!

Different ranks start life in the empire with different amounts of SR to help them cope with life in the empires. Cubs naturally start with 0SR, Tyros start with 10SR, Warriors, Shamans, and Blacksmiths start with 15SR, the Second in Command starts with 25SR, and Leaders start with 35SR. However this doesn't mean that you can't earn more SR towards learning more advanced spells faster. Just know that if you are a tyro and have earned 16SR before you rank up you don't get the "bonus" of the new spell as you would have earned it already. Starting SR is just that, and you don't get it added to your current total. This helps keep power more evenly distributed throughout the empires.

In short, you begin with:

Cub = 0SR
Tyro = 10SR
Warrior/Shaman/Blacksmith = 15SR
Second in Command = 25SR
Leaders = 35SR

Tyros do start off with the first level spell, but cannot learn new spells until they have earned their rune and passed onto the rank of warrior!

In order for your character to be able to use their new move they need to have "learnt" it first. To learn your new power you must make a submission (drawn or written) showing them using the new power!

Element of Lightning:

10SR= Paralysis Shock The user attacks the target but little physical damage is done however the target becomes paralysed for several minutes, unable to move, and so gives the user a chance to escape or inflict more damage.
15SR= Static Burst small bursts of weak electricity are fired at the enemy causing little damage at first but pay cause the target to become paralyzed after excessive exposure.
25SR= Electrical Burn More powerful beams of electricity are fired at the target causing painful burns and irritation. Paralysis is not uncommon when using this attack.
35SR= Lightning Swipe The user attacks the target with a powerful attack with the users paw and claws, beating them with powerful bursts of lighting generated within the users paws. The sudden attack of electricity can send foes flying back due to the power of the electricity.
50SR= Volt Orb The user generates a powerful orb of electrical energy that can be felt for miles around. This is fired at the target who is then filled with electrical energy, this move can cause damage to the outside and inside of the body.
>100SR= Thunder Storm The user summons a powerful thunder storm in the sky out of which the user can extract the power of pure lightning and send a torrent of lightning bolts at the target. This move is only for skilled cats and should only be used in war. This move could result in death for the target in severe cases.

Element of Fire:

10SR= Heat Wave A strong wall of heat is summoned causing searing temperatures that creatures that don't control this element may find unbearable, giving fire wielders the upper hand.
15SR= Fire Spark Small pieces of ember are fired at the target causing burns but little more damage.
25SR= Ember Shower Small orbs of fire are showered onto the target resulting in burns and temporary blindness if any orbs land in the targets eyes. This damage to eyes is not permanent.
35SR= Flame Blast A large burst of fire is forced upon the target who will be left with large burns that could cause permanent scars.
50SR= Flare Strike The users paws catch fire. The target is then struck with a high force blow which can cause critical damage and also severe burns.
>100SR= Wildfire The user produces a torrent of fire much like a flame thrower from their mouth, spreading it up to one hundred meters away from the user. In dry weather this can be used to create huge forest fires, destroying homes and lives.

Element of Earth:

10SR= Rumble A small tremor is generated and may put the target off balance, distracting them and giving the user time to advance on them.
15SR= Rock Shot Rocks and dirt are thrown at the target, slowing their speed and may cause them to go temporarily blind. This move can knock the target unconscious is used with accuracy.
25SR= Poison Ivy Vines full of poisonous leaves and thorns are launched at the target causing physical damage but may also poison them.
35SR= Earth Burst A burst of energy is unleashed from the user and sends a shockwave radiating outwards, hitting anyone within a hundred meter radius. Columns of rock rapidly rise out of the ground.
50SR= Vine Rip Vines from the trees around are summoned and are then wrapped around the target. The vines are then used to pull in the targets limbs resulting in searing pain and long term damage. Limbs can be dislocated and in severe cases can be ripped off!
>100SR= Earthquake An earth shattering earthquake blasts across the landscape and causing the earth to split beneath the targets feet often trapping the target in deep trenches from which they may not be able to escape. It is said undersea trenches are the result of an epic battle between an earth wielder and a challenger.

Element of Ice:

10SR= Frost The user exudes a thick frost from their paws, freezing the ground and covering it with ice. This can make manoeuvrability very difficult for non-ice wielders.  
15SR= Ice Pellets The target is bombarded with small balls of ice which cause small but painful bruises. If fired with enough power they can draw blood.
25SR= Frozen Rain Large freezing balls of ice, much like hail, rain down on the target, battering and bruising the target and causing painful bruises.
35SR= Frost Bite The user clamps their jaws down on the target and the teeth cut through the skin. A coldness is 'injected' into the targets wounds and causes burning pains.
50SR= Ice Spears Large razor sharp spears are fired from the users mouth with enough force to penetrate flesh and cause serious damage to the target.
>100SR= Blizzard A large and powerful blizzard fabricates and freezes everything in the storm. It can result in severe frost bite and some toes and even limbs may be lost due to the extreme cold.

Element of Air:

10SR= Gust A short but strong gust of wind that can knock a target off their paws. This can become irritating and so the targets attacks are less likely to hit.
15SR= Wind Burst High energy bursts of wind are thrusted towards the target, throwing them backwards and evidently colliding with anything behind them. If this is a hard object like a rock, bones could be broken.
25SR= Gale Slam The user jumps in the air and swipes their paw in the air with a great deal of power, sending a powerful burst of wind to slam down onto the target crushing them to the ground.
35SR= Air Blade Hugh gusts of wind are blown against the target at such high speeds it feels like a blade cutting the flesh. This attack does cause physical damage but doesn't cut too deeply.
50SR= Aero Blast The user uses the power of the wind to lift heavy objects like boulders and logs and then fires them like cannon balls at the target.
>100SR= Hurricane High energy winds and a destructive force of nature. Large sections of empires can be destroyed and homes wiped out when this attack is used.

Dark Magic:

10SR= Shadow Burst An essential move for Dark Magic. The user produces a small ball of darkness and throws it onto a surface. This creates a shadow and enables the user to turn invisible for a few minutes when standing in the shadow.
15SR= Curse The user places a temporary curse on the target that effects how they act. This can affect how they move, how they fight, anything as long as it doesn't cause physical damage.
25SR= Voice Throw The user can throw there voice and make it sound like it is coming from a different place from the user. This can allow the user to easily sneak up in targets.
35SR= Dark Shot The user shoots concentrated high energy shadow-like objects at the target. They are fired at very high speeds and even thought they don't pierce through the flesh, the target will feel like they have been shot. It may result in some scarring as well.
50SR= Illusion The user uses strong psychic powers to create illusions that alter the environment around them for a few minutes. The user can make the environment look like it's warping, changing
>100SR= Nightmare The last trick of dark magic to learn. This allows the Savage Dogs to infiltrate another's sleep and alter their dreams. Depending on what the user does in the target dream, it can cause serious mental trauma and could prevent the target from performing in battle.


Eventually, your character will meet someone and may wish to become each others mate. However there are certain rules when it comes to mates. You mate must be a similar size to your character. So no large species becoming mates of small species e.g. a Tiger having a mate which is a Serval. If you are unsure if two characters can become mates, ask one of the admins and they will decide whether you are able to become mates or not. You may only have a mate that is in the same empire as you are unless under certain circumstances e.g. there are no suitable characters in your empire to have a mate with (different sizes, all the same gender etc.)

If your character is pregnant you will need to note the group announcing your character is pregnant and we will reply with a note saying how any cubs/pups you will have and what the gender(s) will be. The pregnancy period of canines and felines lasts one month, during which you will need to create references for your character and mates cubs, which means you can decide what your offspring looks like as long as it takes after the parents. If you are having trouble with genes and traits and what your offspring would look like, ask and admin who will be able to help you out with all of this.

Events and Assignments

Assignments are released once every 1-2 months by your empire leader in a journal.
In order to complete your assignment you will need to produce a piece of art or literature relating to what your character has been asked to do.

Assignments are worth +7SR as well as the original value of SR your submission is worth. For example,A fully coloured drawing with a simple background for an assignment: 4SR + 7SR= 11SR

If you fail to complete your assignment then one of your characters will receive a strike which will be represented like this: /
If your character receives three strikes then your character will be killed off and will no longer be active in the group.
You must complete an assignment for each of your characters.

There are different things you might be asked to do in order to complete your assignment:

Border Patrols:
Checking your empires borders for any signs of danger.
Training tyros and getting them ready for what they intend to do in the future of the empire. Warrior tyros can be taken to different terrains and areas and practice battle tactics and strategies. Shaman tyros will be taught by Shamans to prepare for being a Shaman in the future and Blacksmith tyros will train in preparation for becoming a Blacksmith.
Ability Training:
This can apply to all members of the empires. It involves a few members of the empires going out away from camp so they can practice controlling and refining their abilities making them become more skilled and powerful. Cats will practice their ability to control their element and canines will practice the art of dark magic and their ability to blend into the shadows.
This type of assignment will only begin once someone in your empire has had offspring. It's self explanatory and involves you looking after offspring while their parents are out on assignments.
Venturing out into your empire to hunt down as much prey as you can and bring it back to camp to feed the whole of the empire.
Resource Collection:
Collecting resources for your empire such as materials for bedding, plants and herbs for medicines, digging up metals to be used for creating armour etc.
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Zaira-Wolfe's avatar
Nice I like the addition of the spells :D